We have come a very long way, A group of highly experienced and educated business minded practitioners, each of them has at least over 20 years of experience with cross functional of expertise aiming to share their journeys and knowledge in elevating the overall of your businesses and investment portfolio.

In today very dynamic market, it has been proven that a single expertise or specialties cannot lead an individual or organization to shore the stormy ocean.

Radis holding was formed with the aim of sharing the cross functional expertise of a team of experts with proven track record in multi-cultural multilingual environment across different disciplines to assist you to navigate the different avenues in your business.

We have come a very long way. A group of highly experienced and educated business-minded practitioners, each of whom has at least over 20 years of experience with cross-functional expertise, aim to share their journeys and knowledge in elevating the overall value of your businesses and investment portfolio.

In today’s very dynamic market, it has been proven that a single expertise or set of specialties cannot lead an individual or organization to shore in the stormy ocean.

Radis Holding was formed with the aim of sharing the cross-functional expertise of a team of experts with a proven track record in multi-cultural, multilingual environments across different disciplines to assist you in navigating the different avenues in your business.


Off-Plan Latest Launches


Hours of Work




Completed Projects


It is the Radis brand aiming to assist our esteemed clients and partners to maximize their return in real estate market most especially in a very high demanded geography like Dubai, Singapore, London, and Spain.

With our head quarter in Dubai, the most dynamic city in the world, we are in the intersection of the east and west part of the world. Our multilingual team would be very glad to assist you not only to find your dream homes but to safeguard your investment portfolio with the consideration of the market dynamic in long round.

In today market nothing can be more challenging for the investors than making sure that their wealth is well invested and shielded most especially in the very dynamic of the global financial turbulence, the post Covid era is demanding a different set of strategies and tactics.

Our real estate consultancy company assists clients in property acquisition and investment in several waysOur goal is to provide a comprehensive and personalized service that empowers clients to make informed investment decisions and maximize their returns in the real estate market


Don’t get it wrong! We are not here teaching you a typical academic subject, today world dynamic has imposed many challenged as well as opportunities not only to the big giant but even medium enterprise who are seeking to thrive their business both locally and internationally.

Medium firms don’t pose their resources and expertise that giant enterprise have accumulated across the years whether by learning curve or access to the highly talented people with better packages, therefore entering to the different level of business has been always very tricky and a dilemma for medium enterprise no matter where they are.

We are here to walk you through the journey and navigate all the possibility prior to make a possible costly decision which might hurt your business for even years to come!

If you are thinking of developing your business whether locally, regionally, or internationally you need to understand the dynamic of your new market and your new target audience or group. It isn’t as easy as it said, we would gladly be counseling you to navigate and weight your options and together we can trim them toward a better plan.


Many bright minded businesspeople and academic guru alike are believing that there are many untapped areas in the space economy yet to be unlocked by humankind. Cybersatcom is the Radis brand in the field of commercial satellite communication aiming to assist and develop the utilization of commercial satellite communication for both industries guru as well as any organizations across the globe that are willing to navigate the use of satellite technology and unlock the new opportunities or enhance their current old school satellite system setup for the better and most efficient business outcome.

With over a few decades of expertise in space and ICT domains, we are here to work by your side to professionally assess your current and future needs and opportunities when it comes to the use of space technology in your business.

No matter what business you are in, it could be maritime, mining, IoT, aviation, agricultural, banking and exchanges etc. the space will open a new gateway to your business.